Helping Kids Follow Jesus

At Chapel Kids, our team is dedicated to partner with parents so that together we can help kids follow Jesus. We created our Children’s Ministry programs to be a safe, loving, and fun environment. It's in this atmosphere that kids can become known, connected, and empowered in their relationships with Jesus and their church family. If you have any questions, email Ben our Director of Children's Ministry:

Sunday Mornings

We offer kids programming from birth through 8th grade.

New To CHapel Kids?

Either stop by the Welcome Desk or register your family ahead of time.


Feel free to email our volunteer program directors with any questions.

Kids Play

Interested in a weekly playgroup for preschoolers?


Kids' discipleship program to teach children the importance of salvation and God's Word

Vacation Bible School

Amazing week long summer program for preschool through 6th grade

Volunteer with CHapel Kids

We need parents, adults and students to volunteer on a rotation.

Child Dedication

Interested in having your child dedicated? Complete the interest from below.

Policies & Procedures

We have several systems in place to help provide a safe, healthy environment.

Sunday Mornings

We offer Sunday morning programming for birth through 8th grade.

Our Approach

We treasure the opportunity God has given us to minister to your children. Our prayer is that Sunday mornings at Chapel will be a significant experience for every member of your family, including your kids. From the moment their little feet step into our classrooms, may they feel the love of God, the kindness of His Son, and the presence of the Holy Spirit.

We use the Gospel Project for Kids Curriculum. This Christ-centered, chronological Bible study helps kids dive deep into the Bible's big story—God’s plan to rescue His people through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Our Classrooms

6 classrooms are open at the 9:30 service on Sunday mornings during the school year.
  • Nursery (Birth - 24 months)
  • Toddlers (2 - 4 Year Olds)
  • PreK - Kindergarteners (4 Years Old by September 1st)
  • First - Second Graders
  • Third - Fifth Graders
  • 6th - 8th Graders

Third through eighth graders begin in the sanctuary for family worship and then are dismissed to their classrooms before the sermon. Infants through second graders are dropped off at the beginning of the service. We consolidate our classrooms during June, July, and August, creating multi-age groupings.

At certain times during the year we do host Chapel Family Sundays. This is a special opportunity for families to experience the Worship Service together as we help teach children to know and follow Jesus. Activity pages and crayons will be available at the Children’s Welcome Station to help provide a meaningful and engaging experience for our children.

Our Volunteers

We are blessed to have adult leaders and youth assistants who are passionate about teaching children about Jesus. Volunteers are screened through applications, safety training, and ongoing background checks. We strive to have two adults and one youth helper in each classroom.

Visit the Chapel Kids Policy and Procedures page for more information, including details on how to check in and when to keep your child at home. For questions or to learn how you can get involved in Chapel Kids, please email the Chapel Kids Leadership Team.

Weekly Activities

Kids Play

Kids Play is our playgroup for young children and their caregivers. It meets on most Tuesdays from 9:30 - 11:30 AM. As often as weather permits, we meet outdoors, but may move inside as needed.

Contact Laurie Casagrande for details.


TIME: Sundays, 3:30-5PM 


WHEN: Starting September 15th 


SERVES: Children from 4 years old on or by September 1st through entering 6th grade


What Is Awana? Awana is our kids' discipleship program designed to help your child learn the importance of salvation and move them forward toward spiritual maturity in their relationship with Christ.  


We believe that the sweet spot of discipleship happens at the intersection of highly relational and highly scriptural elements. Awana calls this The Great Connection. This disciple-making approach is at the core of every Awana program. The focus is weekly memorization of biblical verses through play and other fun activities. 


Uniforms and awards fulfill several purposes for both leaders and kids. Uniforms help to foster a sense of belonging, and awards give kids a sense of accomplishment. Both encourage kids to be a part of our community and inspire them in their Scripture learning. 


Contact Ben Gibbons for more information.

Vacation Bible School

VBS stands for Vacation Bible School, a summer church outreach focused on giving kids a fun and creative place to learn about the Bible and build relationships with churches and other kids in the area. 

Save the Date - July 21-25, 2025 

Our theme will be Made to Magnify God. 

VBS will encourage kids to look closely at the details of God’s amazing world and magnify, or proclaim, the greatness of God. God made us, cares about us, loves us, forgives us, and is faithful to keep all His promises to us. We can praise God together! We were made to magnify God! 

For questions about VBS, please email the Chapel Kids Leadership Team.