Helping Women Follow Jesus

Join other women as we pursue God through Women’s Ministry community events, prayer, and Bible studies. Childcare is available at most events. Contact Kylie Gibbons, Director of Women's Ministry, with any questions regarding the events and programs below:

Women's Bible Studies

We have Women's Bible studies that meet on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings.

Gather & GRow

The first Saturday of each month between September and June we will gather together to hear a testimony from women at Chapel at 9:30 AM. 

If you have any questions, please email Kylie Gibbons, Women's Ministry Director, at

Bloom Conference

Bloom Women's Conference exists to foster Biblical literacy, spiritual growth, and relational depth. Women from the Metrowest will gather to sing praise, hear the Word, and engage with one another.

Bible Study Fellowship

Every Monday (starts in Fall and runs through Spring)

7:00 - 8:45 PM

Study the Bible, learn from one another, and be challenged and encouraged to live for something larger than yourselves. Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) offers straight talk and biblical truth built on the foundation of Jesus Christ for women 18 years and older.