Next Steps

Whether you are checking out Chapel for the first time, or you have been attending for decades, you are in the right spot for taking the next step in discovering more about our community, signing up for an event, or getting ready to volunteer.


Here are some first steps to connect to the community here at Chapel. You may like to view our livestream or plan to visit. We encourage everyone to fill out a Connect Card. This allows us to keep you up to date with Chapel events and request prayer.

We live stream our 9:30 AM service every Sunday. You can view past services as well.

While this step is optional, we would love to help you navigate your first visit. 

A great way for new and existing members to stay connected is to fill out a Connect Card

Experience Communuty

Jesus is for everyone no matter what age you are. Therefore Chapel is a church for all ages. Find your community here and where you belong. In this community, you can engage with others, gather each week, and grow in your faith.

Helping Kids Follow Jesus
Birth - 5th Grade

Helping Students Follow Jesus
6th - 12th Grade

Helping Young Adults Follow Jesus
Men and Women | Ages 18-30

Helping Men Follow Jesus
Men | Ages 18+ 

Helping Women Follow Jesus
Women | Ages 18+

Helping Adults Follow Jesus
Men and Women | Ages 30+

Give to CHapel

We believe that God owns everything, including our very lives. We believe that giving back to God is an act of worship and love. We believe He desires us to make Him Lord of all aspects of our lives so that we can joyfully give of our first fruits beginning with our very life. This can mean volunteering our time as well as giving financially.

Chapel exists because people faithfully give to the mission to help others to know and follow Jesus. We are so thankful for all of our volunteers. Your gifts are used to bless people who are in need of the truth and for the daily expenses of running the church.

Give Online

Giving online is convenient and secure.


Give of your time and talent by volunteering.

Give In Person

Give each Sunday as an act of worship.